You probably searched for ( and wondering why you ended up here. Do not have any concerns. If you were asked to complete a 6 hour Texas Drivers Ed online course, you have come to the right place. We offer the same course you are looking for. Our adult drivers ed course is here to make things fast and easy as possible. Why should you take our online course? Read on!
Right now, your primary concern could be, "Is this course accepted by my local DPS?" The answer is yes. Not only your local DPS, our course is accepted by all DPS across Texas state. Reason being, this course is approved statewide in Texas instead of citywide.
To begin with, the cost of our online adult drivers ed course is way less than the traditional school. With no instructors and no classrooms to maintain, you enjoy the savings. Speaking of classrooms, our online adult drivers ed course can also do what no traditional adult driving school can; we let you choose where you want your classroom to be! Your classroom and schedule is limited only to when and where you can get internet access. So whether your computer is connected at, work or at your local Starbucks, we can deliver your drivers Ed course faster and easier than you ever dreamed possible!
Did you know that a traditional classroom adult drivers ed course can cost up to $300? Traditional classroom versions of adult driving school require textbooks and long, boring lectures. Do you think you would really enjoy lectures any more now than you did back in your school days? We don't think so and don't think you do either. The adult drivers Ed course we offer doesn't use "old school" methods. Instead, our drivers Ed course uses an interactive curriculum to keep you interested and engaged. This will help you to learn faster and remember more. All you have to do is listen, watch and learn.
With other driving courses, you have to travel to the DPS to take the written portion of your driving test. However, with our 6 Hour course, the completion certificate IS your written test. Simply take your certificate of completion to the DPS and you have one less line to wait in. Sound good? Then what is keeping you from getting started today?
- Texas TDLR Certified Approved Provider
- More than 75% of the course is Video
- No Boring Lectures or Books to Read
- Exempted from Taking the Written Test in DPS
The sooner you start, the sooner you are behind the wheel! Get started today! Jump online, avoid waiting in line and you'll be driving down the dotted lines of Texas roads and highways before you know it!